Sunday, September 21, 2014

Volvo out to pasture

For a time, Volvo brought in tilt cabs for sale in Canada, and they were popular for a few years. They were in direct competition with Mack's Renault COE and Ford's Cargo. Many were used for fire apparatus and there were several around the Halifax area. However when enclosed, connected crew cabs with doors became mandatory, these commercial type tilt cabs became obsolete.

This 1995 Volvo with pumper body built by Superior Emergency Vehicles of Red Deer, AB (serial number SE 1435) has been retired to a parking area off the Hammonds Plains Road in suburban Halifax.  By the look of the sticker mark on its side it served the Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Services, after amalgamation, but probably belonged to one of the suburban departments before that.

Superior was a subsidiary of Emergency-One when this unit was built, and the company badge was the same shape as E-One's. It also had an E-One design pumper body. I am not sure if E-One in the US ever built a crew cab for a Volvo, so that part may be unique to Superior.


1 comment:

  1. This truck was originally delivered to District 9 in Lake Echo.
