My assortment of delectable pies will have to remain in the freezer.
Since no correct answers were received by the judges, no prize will be awarded - this time. However, following Truckfax policy in these matters, the prize pie for this quiz will be added to the jackpot, so that the next time there is a quiz (if ever) - two pies will be awarded for the first correct answer.
Back to Quiz 1:
1. The truck on the lift is a Ford. It was operated by Auto Haulaway Ltd
2. The other vehicles are:
left: American Motors Corp Rambler American Classic (1961)(note gun sight mirror)
right: Mercury Meteor 600 (1961)(I LOVE the gun sights on the fenders - it was 1960s thing!)
back: GMC (in the larger photo, you can see the GMC logo in the car's windshield.)
3. The year was 1966.
4. The location was the Arrow Garage, corner of St. Clair and MacNaughton, Chatham, Ontario (note the P.C.C. license plates,)
5. The Ford is a 1961-1963 era. It has the low roof on the cab (a higher roof was added in later model years.)
The GMC is 1955-1959. The "panoramic" windshield, a.k.a the wrap around, was introduced in the 1956-57 model year.
So to those dejected losers, better luck next time!