Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mystery Truck at Louiseville, QC

I spotted this plow/spreader at Louiseville, QC on July 7. So far I have had no luck in identifying the manufacturer. It doesn't seem likely that it was built by Machineries et Pneus Thériault, where it was parked (and whose mud flaps it is wearing) but that is one possibility.

There are several snow plow and snow blower manufacturers in Quebec, which only makes it a more difficult proposition.

I particularly like the angled quarter windows on the cab, a feature I have never seen before.



  1. It may be a CCC (Crane Carrier Company) Cab/Chassis.
    See their vehicles here: www.cranecarrier.com/Company/gallery_chassis.htm

    -J the teacher, usa

  2. It's an International truck, Quebec City had one heavy rescue with a similar cab : http://pdq.policecanada.org/liste/quebecfd/quebecfd074.jpg
